Kayla Quintana
ILL Associate
Nina Mentzel
Systems Librarian
Brenda Hemmelman
Access & Development Services Manager
Interlibrary loan (abbreviated ILL) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. The South Dakota State Library mediates ILL for many libraries in SD. Interlibrary Loan is not intended to serve as a replacement for funding and developing your own library. Search SD library catalogs via SD Share-It
Use these procedures to request an item through South Dakota Share-It
As part of the justification for expenditure of federal LSTA funds, all SD libraries that participate in the SD Library Courier service are required to submit monthly statistics reports. If you wish to use a WORD doc or Excel sheet, contact SDSL and one will be provided.
If you are experiencing courier issues, please contact Brenda.Hemmelman@state.sd.us.
You must download the statistics forms below to your computer if you wish to have the numbers auto calculated.
Send statistics to ill@state.sd.us
SDSL Interlibrary Loan Policies
Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States - updated 2023
ALA Interlibrary Loan Request Form
Addresses for South Dakota Libraries
Interlibrary Loan Policy Examples
South Dakota Book Club Kits - originally compiled by Stephanie Kaitfors, Grace Balloch Memorial Library, Spearfish