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South Dakota State Library Services

A list of services provided by the South Dakota State Library.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan (abbreviated ILL) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library.  The South Dakota State Library mediates ILL for many libraries in SD. Interlibrary Loan is not intended to serve as a replacement for funding and developing your own library.  Search SD library catalogs via SD Share-It

Use these procedures to request an item through South Dakota Share-It

As part of the justification for expenditure of federal LSTA funds, all SD libraries that participate in the SD Library Courier service are required to submit monthly statistics reports. If you wish to use a WORD doc or Excel sheet, contact SDSL and one will be provided.

If you are experiencing courier issues, please contact

You must download the statistics forms below to your computer if you wish to have the numbers auto calculated.

Send statistics to 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit on how many interlibrary loan requests school libraries may have?
Yes, school libraries have a limit of 20 active ILL requests at one time.
Public libraries have a limit of 100 ILL requests per year.
Can I order multiple copies of the same title?
No, the state library will not process requests for multiple copies of the same title. If your library is a participating library in SD Share-It, there is an option to order multiple copies via Share-It on your own.  
Is it possible to interlibrary loan an ebook?
Due to electronic licensing restrictions, ebooks cannot be interlibrary loaned between libraries.
I work at a school. Can students or teachers place ILL requests?
Only designated school staff may place ILL requests.
How long does an ILL take?
1-3 weeks depending on if it is an in-state or out-of-state request.
How can I keep track of my requests?
Login to SD Share-It, click your name, view "Items from Other Libraries"
Who is responsible when things go wrong?
The borrowing library is responsible for all materials.
Are there options other than using ILL to obtain materials?
Yes! The State Library databases have many eBook titles and articles available full text. Call the SDSL for free training!
Can I request a new title?
As a general rule, libraries will not loan new titles. You should be purchasing these for your own collection if there will be great interest. SDSL will not process any request with a current year copyright date.
If I have an overdue ILL, can I still request more ILL's?
No. The State Library will not process any new requests until overdues are returned to the lending library.
What if my patron loses an ILL book, or refuses to return it?
Your patron needs to pay for the material. If you cannot collect from your patron, then your library needs to settle the bill for the lost material. The State Library will not process new ILL requests until the matter is settled.