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South Dakota State Library Services

A list of services provided by the South Dakota State Library.

What is E-rate?

What is E-rate?

  • Most SD public libraries are eligible to apply for E-rate - including Tribal libraries as of 2022.
  • E-rate subsidizes certain technology services and equipment in schools and libraries.
  • Eligible schools and libraries may receive discounts on telecommunications, telecommunications services, and Internet access, as well as internal connections, managed internal broadband services and basic maintenance of internal connections.
  • E-rate is funded through a universal service fee charged to companies that provide telecommunications services.
  • E-rate discounts range from 20%-90% of the costs of eligible services, based on the percentage of the local school district population eligible for the National School Lunch Program.

Why should I apply?

Libraries are important providers of Internet access to communities! E-rate can help your library obtain affordable Internet access and telecommunications service.

South Dakota E-rate Coordinator

South Dakota has an E-rate coordinator who provides outreach and training to SD libraries and schools.

Contact the E-rate coordinator to subscribe to SD E-rate listserv messages about training opportunities, filing advice, and deadlines.

Debra M. Kriete, Esq.
South Dakota E-rate Coordinator  / 888-232-0241 (toll free)

CIPA Requirements

Libraries accepting federal funding, including E-rate discounts, must comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

What is CIPA?

CIPA stands for the Children's Internet Protection Act. This is a law that was established in 2000 and helps to protect minors from obscene content and abuse on the Internet, among other things. To receive E-rate funding for Category One Internet access and all Category Two services, you must certify that your institution is in compliance with this law.

The protection measures must block or filter internet access to pictures that are: (a) obscene; (b) child pornography; or (c) harmful to minors (for computers that are accessed by minors).