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South Dakota State Library Services

A list of services provided by the South Dakota State Library.

Automation: Integrated Library Systems (ILS)

Automation: Integrated Library Systems

The South Dakota State Library wishes to facilitate automation for all public and school libraries in South Dakota. In this day and age, this is an achievable goal for even the smallest of libraries.

Library automation:

  • Allows for increased resource sharing and provides access to materials far beyond local collections on behalf of all library patrons
  • Allows for 24/7 access to library materials and services for everyone, promoting the use of personal electronic devices to access the library
  • Encourages browsing online which facilitates better research and increases leisure reading
  • Provides the opportunity to integrate local database subscriptions and other electronic resources into the library catalog, creating a seamless, one-stop search for materials
  • Provides the ability to partner with local and regional school and public libraries and allows for seamless interlibrary loan when necessary
  • Allows library staff to create reports to show usage and demonstrate needs
  • Allows for students to have opportunities to engage in 21st century learning and for all South Dakota students to graduate college, career and life ready

White paper describing integrated library systems in use in South Dakota public libraries.

White paper describing integrated library systems in use in South Dakota school libraries.

White paper describing advantages of a shared integrated library system.

2011 © Lori Bowen Ayre / The Galecia Group. This white paper is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license and has been reposted here with permission from the author.

Automated Library Systems
This list includes some of the automated library systems used in South Dakota libraries, as well as additional options.

Please note:

  • This is not a comprehensive list
  • These vendors are not sponsored by nor endorsed by the South Dakota State Library


Please contact:

Nina Mentzel, Systems Librarian
