Welcome to the South Dakota library world! Public and school libraries are wonderful places to work--full of fun and fascinating information. They can also be confusing sometimes, especially when you are a new librarian. The South Dakota State Library wants to help you navigate this new world so we've gathered some information that will help guide you. If there is anything else we can do to help you in your new position, please let us know.
Click on the different tabs above to find out what the state library provides for you as you begin your new position, and also visit the links at the menu on the left for even more programs.
Five things new librarians should know:
Watch this video to learn about SDSL resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzJgZ1-Zehs
Public Library Survey (your annual report) information: https://libguides.library.sd.gov/services/pls
Public Library Accreditation/Librarian Certification program: https://libguides.library.sd.gov/services/cert_accred
This free service is for South Dakota residents of all ages who are unable to read standard print materials due to visual, physical, or learning disabilities. Accessible Library Services program provides recorded, braille, large-print, and descriptive videos.
Should you have questions or needs regarding programming, website recommendations, and literacy issues for children and teens, please do not hesitate to call the State Library! The State Library coordinates the summer reading program beginning with Jumpstart trainings and providing CSLP manuals. Visit https://library.sd.gov/LIB/CYS/index.aspx for even more programs.
Is your library a school/public combo library or are you considering such a collaboration?
Review the information provided at the bottom of the Library Board/Trustee page to learn more about combo libraries and how they operate.
State library staff provides consultation and assistance to libraries in many areas including administration, trustees, grants, standards, and statistics. See the Public Library Services and the School Libraries page for more details.
As a new library director, you should be familiar with SD Codified Law as it relates to libraries.
South Dakota Codified Law governing public libraries
South Dakota Codified Law dealing with public meetings
See specifically:
To help you keep up with the ever-changing library world, the State Library provides continuing education opportunities in a variety of formats including in-person workshops, online webinars and teleconferences, and online tutorials. Offered every year are the Public Library Institute and ExCITE! (formerly School Library Boot Camp). Visit the individual LibGuides pages for these two events at the left. To find even more events, visit our Annual Events and More page.
Many helpful webinars are shared on the SDSL listservs. Links have been placed below for use. To sign up for a listserv, visit https://listserv.sd.gov/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=SDPUBLIB&A=1 and look for SDPUBLIB, SDSCHLIB, or SDACALIB in the dropdown list.
Many electronic resources are provided by the state library including subjects such as genealogy, business, health, and medicine. State library staff also provide training, troubleshooting, and assistance for these electronic resources.
The State Library provides electronic access to many state publications through our digital services program. See more about this program under the State & Federal Government Publications LibGuide. See specifically "Online SD State Government Publications".
Disc Repair and Digitization Service
Signing up for listservs helps you keep in touch with what's going on in other libraries around the state. The state library has many lists that you can join to keep up with news and continuing education opportunities in SD libraries. In addition, you can post messages to the lists if you ever needed guidance from library colleagues around the state. SDSL also uses these lists to make important announcements. Sign up for the school library list at https://listserv.sd.gov/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=SDSCHLIB&A=1 or the public library list at https://listserv.sd.gov/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=SDPUBLIB&A=1
Are you on social media? If so, also find the SD State Library on the following sites:
State library research staff are available to help your library staff find the answers to questions that require extensive research or even the use of resources that your library may not otherwise have access to. Please call the state library at 1-800-423-6665 or email your question to library@state.sd.us
Each library in SD is assigned a library card number that can be used to order items through SD Share-It if you are not a participating library. If you don't know your library card number, call the state library. For all information on interlibrary loan services at the state library, visit http://libguides.library.sd.gov/services/ILL
It is important to be involved in state and regional library associations. Library conferences provide excellent training opportunities and making connections with other librarians through these associations is invaluable. Linked below are some state and regional associations to check out.
South Dakota Library Association
SDLA is a statewide organization representing libraries, library employees, library trustees, and library supporters. SDLA provides leadership and educational opportunities and supports its members in the meeting the challenges of providing quality library service to all South Dakotans. Visit http://www.sdlibraryassociation.org/ for more information.
Mountain Plains Library Association
The Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) is a twelve state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Its purpose is to promote the development of librarians and libraries by providing significant educational and networking opportunities. Visit http://mpla.us/ for more information.
Association for Rural and Small Libraries
The Association for Rural & Small Libraries, Inc. is a network of persons throughout the country dedicated to the positive growth and development of libraries. ARSL believes in the value of rural and small libraries and strives to create resources and services that address national, state, and local priorities for libraries situated in rural communities. Visit http://arsl.info/ for more information.
American Library Association
The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” Visit http://www.ala.org/ for more information.
Some information and links directly relate to the Federal Depository Library Program, but the general guidance relates to all collections.
My library has a flood or water disaster?
Contact any senior librarian at the SD State Library for assistance!
Library Development/Outreach
1-605-773-3131 or 1-800-423-6665, Option 5
Brenda Hemmelman, Access & Development Services Manager, Brenda.Hemmelman@state.sd.us
Nina Mentzel, Systems Librarian, Nina.Mentzel@state.sd.us
Shawn Behrends, State Data Coordinator, Shawn.Behrends@state.sd.us
Scottie Bruch, School Library Coordinator, Scottie.Bruch@state.sd.us
Amanda Raiche, Youth Services Coordinator, Amanda.Raiche@state.sd.us
Kim Bonen, Electronic Resources Coordinator, Kim.Bonen@state.sd.us
JoAnne Freitag, Continuing Education Coordinator, JoAnne Freitag@state.sd.us